Duo Ping and Ting

鋼琴 Piano

雙胞胎姊妹周樂娉和周樂婷的音樂感和合作默契廣獲讚賞。娉婷鋼琴二重奏的演出獲《南德郵報》讚譽為「默契十足的精準演繹,恍如出自一人之手般自然流暢,令人驚艷。」 而德國《西南報》對兩人的表現推崇備至:「兩人毫無炫耀之意; 她們是如此投入到作品當中,以生動的節奏感和悠揚的樂聲,帶出樂曲變化多端又迷人的一面。」

娉婷在多項國際比賽中脫穎而出,包括第六十四屆 ARD 慕尼黑國際音樂大賽、邁阿密珍柯夫國際雙鋼琴大賽、第四屆波蘭-比亞維斯托克國際鋼琴二重大比賽、第四屆聖瑪利諾國際鋼琴二重奏比賽,以及葛利格國際雙鋼琴比賽,並曾於著名的瑞士格施塔德國際音樂節獲得新音樂最佳演繹獎。

娉婷獲邀參與國際音樂節,包括德國里斯波納室樂音樂節,波蘭格但斯克第一屆國際鋼琴二重奏音樂節、香港藝術節、香港美樂聚音樂節和廈門第五屆鼓浪嶼鋼琴節等,並與巴伐利亞電台交響樂團、新蘇黎世管弦樂團、比亞維斯托克交響樂團及香港管弦樂團合作演出。其他演出足跡包括美國、德國、奧地利、瑞士、波蘭、 斯洛文尼亞、斯洛伐克及以色列等。

娉婷分別以一級榮譽畢業於香港演藝學院及德國漢諾威音樂及戲劇學院。並曾獲多個獎學金,包括德意志文化交流基金會獎學金、香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金和何鴻毅家族基金優異學生獎學金。姊妹師隨鋼琴教育家黃懿倫教授、Genova and Dimitrov,以及Tal and Groethuysen。


The twin sisters Lok Ping and Lok Ting Chau gained a wide recognition of their finest musicality and the fascinating matches of sound. Their performance was exalted by the South German Post : “Duo Ping and Ting reacted precisely and harmonically together with a matching of sound in an unbelievable manner”.

The duo was top prize winners of the 64th ARD International Music Competition in Munich, the Dranoff International Two Pianos Competition, the Fourth International Piano Duo Competition, Bialystok, the Fourth San Marino International Piano Duo Competition and Grieg Á Deux International Two Piano Competition in Oslo. In addition, they were awarded the “André Hoffmann” prize for the best interpretations of new music at the “Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad” International Music Festival in Switzerland. The Secretary for Home Affairs has awarded commendations to the Chau sister for making outstanding contribution in international arts and culture activities in 2009.

The duo has collaborated with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the New Zurich Orchestra and the Bialystok Symphony Orchestra, and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. They have made successful appearances in Miami, Gstaad , Bern, Munich, Hannover, Vienna, Ljubljana, Bratislava and Tel Aviv. They were invited to music festivals worldwide including the Liesborner Chamber music Festival in Germany, the International Gedánsk Piano Duo Festival in Poland, the Hong Kong Arts Festival, the Joy of Music Festival in Hong Kong, the Gulangyu Piano Festival in Xiamen; They are regularly invited by The Dranoff Two Pianos Foundation in Miami to work with other artists on school projects.

Ping and Ting received their master degrees with first honour at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Hochschüler für Musik Theater und Medien Hannover in Germany (specialised in Piano Duo). Their mentors included Prof. Eleanor Wong, Genova and Dimitrov, Yaara Tal and Andreas Groethuysen.

The duo is active in education and community service. They regularly host piano duo workshop in the HKUSpace, as well as giving masterclass and performance in the music conservatory and universities in China. They are the Honorary Artists of the Foshan Grand Theatre. For more informations, please visit www.duopingting.com.

聯絡我們 Contact us

  • 電話 Phone:
    (852) 2317-0681
  • 電郵 Email:
  • 地址 Address:
    1/F Wah Chi Mansion,
    292 Temple Street, Jordan, HK